Web Toolbar by Wibiya Bears and Bullets: New Fat Tony video - Hood Party (ft. Kool A.D. and Despot)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

New Fat Tony video - Hood Party (ft. Kool A.D. and Despot)

Hanging out on Froogle, the latest media incarnation of what a Google Hangout is (still haven't done that - note: need more internet friends) are Fat Tony, Kool A.D., and Despot for "Hood Party." Tony sticks with his Houston, with A.D. and Despot stashing on the coasts. Look closely and you might notice plenty of cameos, ranging from Bun B, Rai P, Lakutis, Amaze 88, and plenty more.

Check it out below and grab Fat Tony's newest album Smart Ass Black Boy today via Young One Records.

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