Web Toolbar by Wibiya Bears and Bullets: Tuesday Bears: Royal Headache, and trying new things

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday Bears: Royal Headache, and trying new things

I'm feeling a sense of guilt. Outside of Bears and Bullets Our Newest Obsession series, I'm not allocating much material from artists that don't already have the internet buzz at their back. Sure, every once in a while I give credence to something that surely could use some more, but for the most part I play it safe, posting music videos and performances far more than anything else. And sure, it's easy, but it doesn't move this anywhere.

That's not to say that I won't still be posting the regular things, but Bears and Bullets should be more about the new, unheard. Call it a change of heart, or whatever, but I can't keep doing things the same way. It has to grow.

So, listen to these new songs from Royal Headache, I band I know almost nothing about. You can listen below and download the MP3 versions of "Eloise" and "Down the Lane" over at Rollo & Grady.

Royal Headache - Eloise by Bears and Bullets

Royal Headache - Down the Lane by Bears and Bullets

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